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Wellspring for Women

Welcoming women from all cultures and faith backgrounds in a safe and inclusive environment.

Wellsprings for Women offers education, employment pathways, housing support services, health and wellbeing programs, settlement services, and family violence case management for refugee and migrant women and their children.

Based in Dandenong, Victoria which is home to the largest community of refugees and migrants in the country, Wellsprings welcomes women from all cultures and faith backgrounds in a safe and inclusive environment.


Fast Facts

  • Wellsprings engages with over 2500 women and children each year
  • Wellsprings staff come from over 24 countries of birth and speak over 30 languages
  • In 2022/2023 Wellsprings supported:
    • 1906 migrant and refugee women needing direct support, including food and material aid
    • 433 women impacted by family violence and other complex issues


Fast Facts

  • Wellsprings engages with over 2500 women and children each year
  • Wellsprings staff come from over 24 countries of birth and speak over 30 languages
  • In 2022/2023 Wellsprings supported:
    • 1906 migrant and refugee women needing direct support, including food and material aid
    • 433 women impacted by family violence and other complex issues


"The strength, resilience and sheer courage of Wellsprings women to make the most of life’s opportunities despite their personal struggles and the social barriers they face, is empowering and inspirational.”

Danal Smiley, CEO

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