
Whistleblower Policy: Australia & New Zealand
1. Purpose
Mecca Brands Pty Ltd and each of its related entities (Mecca) is committed to ensuring a workplace with the highest standards of conduct and ethical behaviour. Whistleblowing refers to the act of raising concerns about potential, suspected, or actual misconduct within Mecca and is a key governance initiative to ensure transparency and accountability across Mecca.
The purpose of Mecca's Whistleblower Policy (Policy) is to ensure that individuals are aware of how to make a disclosure that is eligible for the enforceable protections that are available under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth) (Whistleblower Laws).
This policy will be made available to officers and employees of the company via the Employee Mecca Base and made available to external stakeholders through our company websites, mecca.com.au and meccabeauty.co.nz.