But how can you tell if your scalp’s in good condition?
It’s firmly in the category of ‘Get a professional opinion’ rather than ‘Terrify yourself with a Google self-diagnosis’. That’s why we invited Kérastase Education Manager, Andrea Bryceland, to MECCA HQ to examine our roots with Kérastase’s innovative K-Scan smart camera.

After inspecting the scalps and strands of eight team members, Andrea prescribed each a bespoke Kérastase regimen, tailored to their individual hair type, concerns and goals.
Now, our team will put these products to the ultimate test, sticking strictly to the recommended routine for the next three months.
The goal? To see if we can transform our hair in 12 weeks – using only Kérastase products. Consider these our ‘official’ before shots!
Jamine, Brand Marketing Lead
Hair type: Thinned and straight
Main hair concern: Hair fall
K-Scan Analysis: “The hair density is a little bit lower, but the hair diameter is really wide. When I was looking through the camera, I could see that the hair fibres are quite thick, but there are less of them. It’s possible that there is still a little bit of hair fall that’s postpartum-related. Kérastase Genesis is great for hair fall; it anchors the hair into the scalp, helps strengthen hair fibre and also stimulates a little bit of growth through the scalp area,” says Andrea.
Hair goals: Reduce hair fall, strengthen hair and stimulate growth.
Jamine’s Kérastase prescription

Tisha, Events Manager
Main hair concern: Maintaining texture and curl pattern
Hair type: Thick and curly
K-Scan Analysis: “The hair diameter is 105; anything more than 75 is thick, which is fairly common with red hair. The scan also picked up what I’d call ‘thirsty hair’,” says Andrea, adding, “The scalp microbiome indicator is medium, which means that there's a molecule that's secreted by the microbiome on your scalp. It's called porphyrin, and when we looked at the images, there were some red orbs on the screen.”
Hair goals: Improve moisture and curl definition
Tisha’s Kérastase prescription

Julia, Leadership Development Specialist
Hair type: Thick, coarse and wavy
Main hair concern: Breakage due to colouring, brassiness
K-Scan Analysis: “The results are recommending Kérastase Blond Absolu. This works really well when you get closer to your hair colour needing to be done, and in summer, if you’re swimming a lot, lighter hair can get brassy. It’s recommending the Blond Absolu 2% Hyaluronic Acid Hair Serum to apply to the scalp and run through to the ends, as well the Ultra-Violet Purple Hair Mask, which helps to neutralise brassiness,” says Andrea.
Hair goals: Revitalise hair colour and minimise brassy tones
Julia’s Kérastase prescription

Vivien, Inventory Assistant
Hair type: Thick and wavy
Main hair concern: Rough texture and breakage from bi-monthly bleaching
K-Scan Analysis: “For regularly bleached hair, the recommendation is Kérastase Première, a new collection that we've launched that targets damaged hair. What we’ve found is that a lot of water has calcium in it and if your hair is overly coloured, it’s more prone to absorb calcium and minerals from the water in your shower, which causes further damage. Première removes the calcium, but also strengthens the hair fibre,” says Andrea.
Hair goals: Strengthen hair fibre and improve texture
Vivien’s Kérastase prescription

Georgia, Graduate
Hair type: Thick and curly
Main hair concern: Undefined curls
K-Scan Analysis: “There are low indicators of dandruff and the scalp microbiome is a little bit down. With curly hair, unlike straight hair, the hair detaches but doesn’t actually fall out until you shampoo. On average, people lose 15 – 100 hairs a day; you would expect to lose 350 – 700 hairs if you shampoo weekly,” says Andrea.
Hair goals: Enhance curl definition and improve scalp microbiome
Georgia’s Kérastase prescription

Estelle, Brand Manager (Makeup)
Hair type: Thick and wavy
Main hair concern: Bleach damage
K-Scan Analysis: “The recommendation here is for Blond Absolu, which is great for natural or dyed blonde hair. The Blond Absolu 2% Hyaluronic Acid Hair Serum is really good at strengthening the hair but also plumping and nourishing bleached hair. You can also apply it directly onto the scalp to help eliminate a little bit of the dryness,” says Andrea.
Hair goals: Reduce brassiness and strengthen hair fibre
Estelle’s Kérastase prescription

Cloudy, Macro Space Coordinator
Hair type: Thin, fine and straight
Main hair concern: Dry hair and split ends
K-Scan analysis: “The scalp is a little dry; there is a little bit of sensitivity and the scalp microbiome is medium. There is a medium risk of hair fall, and what contributes to that is your hair is a little bit on the finer side,” says Andrea.
Hair goals: Improve scalp microbiome, strengthen hair, reduce irritation and sensitivity
Cloudy’s Kérastase routine

Mackenzie, Brand Marketing Lead (Skin and Body)
Hair type: Fine and straight
Main hair concern: Lack of volume
K-Scan Analysis:“There are signs of hair fall because the hair is fine and could become finer,” says Andrea. “When the follicle starts to be deprived of nutrients, the collagen starts to harden and then the shape of the follicle starts to change and the hair that grows out of the follicle becomes finer.”
Hair goals: Improve hair strength and minimise potential hair fall
Mackenzie’s Kérastase prescription